Quality And Speed is our Moto

Human Resources

The structure of PVR Projects Ltd., is the staff of the Company. The company is supported by a most potent, experienced and qualified General Managers for each project, under whom there are Project Managers for different activities to execute a project smoothly without any hindrances. The Project Managers are supported by a battery of technically qualified Senior Engineers and Engineers . These engineers are assisted by a set of supervisors.

PVR Projects Ltd., adheres to stringent quality standards, bench marked by its own internal systems which are stricter than the common industry quality requirements. The Quality Control Department is equipped with latest quality control and laboratory equipment. Apart from the central laboratory at the Head Office, each project has a stationery laboratory to continuously monitor the quality of the work executed. The department is manned by Chief Quality Control Engineer assisted by divisional quality control engineers and technical assistants.

PVR Projects Ltd., possesses the latest construction equipment in the industry, necessary for the execution of all types of infrastructure projects. The maintenance of plant and machinery used in the projects is looked after by professionally qualified Mechanical Engineers, Foremen and skilled mechanics.

The general administration of the entire company is manned by professionals consisting of General Manager, Administrative Manager, HRD Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounts Officer, Internal Auditors and accountants.

The Company has a dedicated ERP Department catering to the computerization of all the departments and functional processes. It is manned by a battery of qualified IT professionals.

PVR PROJECTS LTD possesses and uses state of art technology and equipment to execute critical components of all their projects to achieve quality and precision with highly skilled man power and can execute any complex infrastructure development work within the scheduled period. The company is headed by a most efficient and dynamic board of directors with over two decades of industry experience. It is assisted by a highly motivated professionals consisting of General Managers, Managers, Engineers, Foremen, other technical staff and administrative staff totaling to around 500. These staff are ably supported by 1500 skilled and semi skilled workers.